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What are the Best Life Insurance Companies?

When it comes to shopping for the best life insurance company there are hundreds to choose from in the the U.S.A.

However, to start, you'll want to compare the financial ratings of insurers, how long they have been in business, their reputation, if they pay their claims on time, pricing, and how large they are - total assets, among other things.

Luckily, when you request life insurance quote comparisons online, your quotes will provide the best prices and the financial ratings of the insurers quoted.

Some of the leading life instance carriers include Prudential, Metlife, Mass Mutual, Mutual of Omaha, Northwestern Mutual, ING, and Transamerica, among others.

Keep in mind, some insurers offer better coverage and pricing for term life, while other insurers may be more competitive for whole life insurance. And, insurers may offer better pricing for specific niches they have experience with; such as, smokers, married couples, people under 40, or those with diabetes.

Here is a list of some good life insurance companies and their financial ratings.

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